Automation Equipment

In the industry of 3 c products, especially for mobile phones, laptops, tablets and other products processing, RA accumulated rich experience, have a good knowledge of requirements enterprise customer in electronic products. Along with the development of the industry trend of 4.0, many customers start using intelligent manufacturing, intelligent production, with automatic equipment to improve productivity and guarantee the accuracy, our company will be based on different customer process, providing critical size and appearance of the test or measurement equipment, our company constantly increase investment in research and development, focus on making breakthroughs in key technologies and expansion of technical.

Company set up a professional automation department, can simultaneously do visual optics experiment, and develop robot motion control, electrical and circuit debugging. The seamless integration of our automation equipment and automated production is to reduce the labor cost and improve production efficiency.

High-Precision Measurement System
Dou-position hot laminating (half-auto)
CCD Touch Panel Assemble
Auto Phone Assemble line

Automated Optical Inspection machine

The automatic optical inspection system of RA use different CCD automatic scanning DUT, to judge the defect properties, clearance, and offset of different surface, to correct position.

Automatic assembly equipment

RA could realize high speed, precise assembly with the configuration of the latest CCD detection system, laser measurement technology and multiaxial robot so as to shorten the production cycle, and these more durable, precision equipment can compatible with most automation application requirements of the clients.

Integrated application of robots

The design for self assembly line makes the robot arm operate freely in a limited space. And roll the CCD system to Robot.